Importance of Drawing in Design

Design is a discipline of anticipation, which is why drawing is a very valuable and irreplaceable tool during the creation process. Drawing is a powerful process to use as it always helps discover the best ideas and solutions to a design problem. Along with that, it will also help in achieving the closest possible result in the product that has been designed. Therefore, the drawing will always remain an important step in the design and development process. The drawing must be adjusted to reality. Training in this discipline through the practice of it is essential to be good designers in the future.

“The most original ideas have always been made in the form of a freehand sketch or sketch for the first time.”

However, today, the use of design programs has caused us to relegate the design base: the drawing. This translates into a lack of originality and a lack of a designer’s ability to represent his most creative ideas.

According to what professionals believe, drawing is one of the first forms of art that human beings can access to express themselves even unconsciously. Thus, as children we are encouraged to draw and practice our expressiveness through drawing, a creative way much more accessible than for example sculpture. This goal of this topic can be extended to state that we intend to show the necessity of drawing during all the developmental stages of design. Sketching/drawing is the perfect device as it facilitates one to conceptualize thoughts. When the use of a sharpie or a pencil and a chunk of paper, you’re able to form a realm without limits that you need to explore and discover. You are therefore in a creative sandbox, generating thoughts and deep principles from your heart and soul, concepts with a view to animate your layout project. It gives one the possibility to discover variables in ideas effortlessly, as a concept is being set up for the primary time hundreds, heaps of variables input the sketching board and inside the seek of incredible, within the try to locate the proper stability and composition one ought to discover the alternatives to sketching, drawing and conceptualizing on paper.

When you get to sketch, your thoughts start to play diverse instructions which the sketches that you are making will assist you in filtering the excellent options for you. When you draw out the different thoughts that can work, you are capable of being aware of any potential problems an awful lot earlier, before investing time and assets into futile concepts. Sketches additionally foster very vital discussions concerning thoughts together with your colleagues or the client that you are operating for. A not unusual practice is to simply create a comic strip then invite the customers to exchange ideas, to make adjustments and remarks on sketches, taking as plenty facts as feasible from this early design step before going ahead into deep processing and technicalities.

If the designer can transfer his ideas to a graphic medium through freehand drawing, he will be freer when creating and will not have to abide irremediably to what the internet offers or the clip art galleries.

But, despite how old the sketch tool is, it is not about being against technological advances, on the contrary. The drawing has been adapted to historical events and continues to do so. In the History of Art it began with drawing on the rock with fingers and blood, today we continue to draw, even if we do it on graphic tablets and in front of a computer.

Despite the enormous advantages offered by the use of specialized design software, it cannot be believed that the possibility of using them in an advanced way will make us exceptional designers by magic.

A design project requires much more than that. First of all, we must be able to conceptualize and thus be able to graphically interpret a design. And to develop our ideas we must resort to the sketch from the initial stage of the process. If not, we will not be able to define our creative concept, we will not be able to develop our idea, the one that lives inside our mind and thus transport it to the real world through drawing, a fundamental part in the development of a project.

An important element of drawing

One of the most important elements of the drawing is that it can easily convey ideas, concepts, sensations, and feelings, regardless of the group to which one belongs, having a different language from the author, living in extremely distant places. This does not happen with all branches of art and without a doubt, drawing, painting, and sculpture are privileged when transmitting even to those who feel farther away.

Unlike what happens with the painting, the precision and technique in the drawing seem to be still very present. While there may be abstract sketches or drawings in which objects and figures seem to lose their natural form, most of the time the drawing requires certain technical elements such as perspective, depth, proportion, etc. Otherwise, you run the risk of being considered simply a scribble.

“Drawing can help us on many different occasions, not only in the creative process but also as a technical representation.”

The drawing in the creative process appears:

  • When we generate ideas in the form of small drawings without any detail.
  • By further developing an idea with drawings of larger size and detail with which we can solve the design problems that are presented.
  • In larger-scale details of complex elements to be resolved.
  • When it becomes necessary to represent the user using the object, to illustrate its use.

The technical drawing appears:

  • Having to represent the technical specifications for the manufacture of the product, showing here the actual measurements of the object, details, manufacturing specification, etc.

In conclusion, learning the different techniques of representing a product based on sketches, freehand sketches, and the technical drawing is of great importance to allow us to create more independently and communicate effectively.

Learning the techniques of representing a product is of great importance because it allows us to think differently, makes us more observant, increases our creativity, and helps us to communicate effectively.

So what is the importance of artistic drawing?

Artistic drawing is the expression in a two-dimensional plane of various ideas, representations of the real world or feelings. It mainly uses pencils and paper, highlighting in this regard a great appreciation for simplicity. In this way, artistic drawing can be understood as a form of graphic expression framed within the so-called visual arts. It is distinguished in this sense from other types of drawings, where what prevails is another type of intention other than mere expression. The drawing is, therefore, a way of expression that in some cases can reach a high level of refinement.

The background of the drawing as a practice can be traced to the most remote of human history. Indeed, the findings of paintings made on the wall of a cave by primitive men are celebrated, paintings that reflected the ordinary circumstances of these times, such as hunting and gathering. From this moment the painting will follow its course, being an area that continuously evolved and provided technical tools for drawing. In this way, circumstances such as the proportion in human bodies or perspectives were also applied in the implementation of artistic drawing.

When we speak about artistic drawing, reference is made mainly to the use of pencils and paper. In particular, the artistic drawing is usually carried out with shades of black, shades that serve to account for the shadows of a figure that represents an object of real-life or a completely fictitious one. As we have said, the artist who dedicates himself to this discipline uses a series of techniques that facilitate his work, such as the application of basic geometric figures, the use of a vanishing point, etc. These techniques added to the customary practice of them may result in a progressive aggregate of details in what is drawn.

Finally, it should be noted that the first manifestations of artistic drawing must be found in childhood. Indeed, it is the children who naturally begin to experiment on the possibilities that exist when it comes to drawn shapes. As we see, there is a great inclination of human beings concerning the expression of their interiority from the traces of drawing, a situation that some privileged people take to the point of transforming it into an art.

Drawing is very important for both the concept and the end result alike. The projects that can take advantage of one’s experience with drawing may vary from logos, icons, UI designs, websites, illustration and last but not least, architecture.

You may feel the desire to skip sketching and bounce immediately to the laptop or workout your solutions as digital sketches. There is nothing incorrect with that, mainly for your very own experimental work. There is no quicker technique for exploring multiple visual answers than sketching though. Try to weigh the advantages of sketching in regard to the assignment at hand.

Hand-drawn sketching plays an essential role inside the digital arts. The larger a mission is, and the more principles a patron will want to see, the greater sketching will prove it’s well worth to your design process. Consider using tough sketches for composition or layout alternatives in your next challenge. Or push yourself to do any other handful of thumbnail sketches before firing up Photoshop.

“Drawing is applying your creativity to imagine things which have never come in existence before.”

There are many career options if one likes to draw and express. Animation & multimedia, graphic design, architecture, interior, product design, and so on. These careers have vast opportunities if one is really passionate about the design field. These fields are competitive and demanding. There are many colleges in India which are offering courses in design education. If you are looking for a design education career program in Bangalore, you can go for Animaster College of Animation and Design. They provide various courses in design education from over the past two decades. They have degree oriented programs such as Bachelor’s of Visual Arts BVA which is also affiliated to Bangalore Central University. There are many short-term programs as well which will add as a great career path.

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